Years as a teacher: This is my 18th year teaching
Years at LGA: 1
Why did you become a teacher?
I was raised in a family that was service oriented and instilled the importance of giving back to others. Before deciding to be a teacher, I babysat, worked in church nursery, was a nanny, and worked at a day care. I think everyone knew I would be a teacher before I did. I was so excited when I finally realized that my way of giving back to society was to be a teacher. I have never looked back!
What drew you to teach at LGA?
I did not know that a school like LGA existed and I could not believe that I had an opportunity to teach here. I was thrilled to have found a school where my faith, beliefs in education, and my passion for social justice and change were celebrated. LGA is a place where I feel like I belong. The teaching philosophy of the school resembles what I believe good education should look like and I am excited to grow as a teacher and a learner. What I love most about teaching at LGA so far is the warm community and the way they have embraced me. I love that the heart of the school is all about teaching the next generation the importance of serving others and teaching them how to be an agent of change.
What is your favorite topic/subject to teach and why?
I love everything about teaching Social Studies. I love sharing about the world, using my life experiences. I love teaching children a different side of history, looking through the the eyes of those less fortunate. I love when a student who says they don’t like Social Studies, discovers that they do!
Tell us something about yourself that people wouldn’t know by looking at you:
I am a Southern girl who loves adventure! I grew up in a family who camped their way across North America, many times. In high school I loved to backpack with my dad and my favorite place to do that was in our National Parks. Early in my career when my children were in elementary school and my parents were working at Mount Meru University in Tanzania, Africa, my boys and I spent four summers volunteering in the communities alongside them. I had the opportunity to work with young children in a local preschool, as well as teaching young teachers at the University. I grew to love everything about Africa. I made life long friends. My children learned the importance of giving their time and talents to others. Because of my time in Africa, I knew that I wanted to work with children that did not have all the advantages that my own children were fortunate to have. I developed a passion for teaching through the lens of social justice, and it has only grown stronger through the years.
What is your favorite aspect of our communal celebrations?
I knew without a doubt that LGA was the place for me after experiencing my first Kabbblat Shabbat. Although I have never experienced the Jewish faith before, I felt the connection with my own faith. I was touched and continue to feel blessed.
How is LGA different than other schools? What do kids get from an LGA education that they may not get elsewhere?
LGA is a unique community that is like no other school I have worked in. Families play a big part in what makes it so special. Faculty and staff know each child and every family. Everyone is supported. Children’s needs are met!
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