Judaic Studies & Hebrew

Judaic Studies & Hebrew

Judaic Studies Curriculum


LGA seeks to nurture the vibrancy of Jewish life and traditions, producing thoughtful, committed, caring, and engaged members of the Jewish community. We graduate mentches, wholesome young people who embody deeply-held Jewish values, are part of a close-knit community of friends, have a strong sense of self-worth, and are committed to serving as leaders within the Jewish and global communities they will join in the future.

Highlights from our Judaic studies curriculum:


  • Emphasis on joyous, song-filled communal experiences of chagim (holidays) and Shabbat.


  • Derech eretz, or ethical behavior and civility, through intensive exposure to classical Jewish texts and a school culture of respect and kindness.


  • Focus on social justice: participation in a variety of g’milut chasidim, acts of loving-kindness, through both class projects and school-wide endeavors, such as: supporting the new refugee families, cooking for shelters and survival centers, visiting the elderly, and much more. 


  • Open-minded and inclusion exploration of spiritual practices, both ancient and modern. 


  • Exploration of the Jewish wisdom about our responsibility to the land we live on, put into practice on the Abundance Farm and in encounters wtih Pioneer Valley’s rich natural resources. 


  • Whole student learning through complex integration of Judaic Studies with general studies.


  • An understanding of Jewish history, Diaspora, and the role the State of Israel plays in contemporary Jewish life.


  • Love and respect for Judaism and Jewish culture, text, practices, and history – 

in a nuanced way that allows for multiple perspectives and interpretations. 


  • We prepare our students to feel at home in a variety of Jewish communities and synagogues through study of different ways of understanding and practicing Judaism.

Modern Hebrew Curriculum

Modern Hebrew is a significant element of our curriculum. Our goal is to provide students with substantial knowledge of Modern Hebrew grammar and vocabulary, leading to fluency. For students who join us in the later grades, a variety of strategies are used to introduce Hebrew and help establish comfort with the language.

The strands of the curriculum are reading, grammar, and written oral expression. In the classroom, emphasis is given to speaking in Hebrew, individualizing instruction, and using music, drama, and art whenever possible. Thinking in Hebrew is encouraged, and to that end, teachers incorporate Hebrew words and phrases in all parts of the day.

In kindergarten, students are introduced to a bank of words and phrases. Hebrew is integrated into the daily routine of the school, and students are exposed to Hebrew language through a number of modalities. Students are introduced to the letters of the Hebrew alphabet and learn simple phrases.

The Tal Am Hebrew and Judaics curriculum starts in first grade. The structure of the Tal Am program is based on the notion that the best learning environment for children is one in which knowledge is acquired through a variety of activities, using each of the five senses. In addition to studying from textbooks, students use music, games, and visual aids, both to learn the Hebrew language and to develop a keen understanding of Jewish concepts and values.

Students develop their Hebrew and heritage literacy in a gradual, spiraled process, building new ideas and concepts on top of an expanding foundation of knowledge. The program gradually helps foster Jewish identity by allowing children to explore their Jewish roots and traditions in a fun and exciting manner. By making the study of Hebrew and Judaism relevant to the children’s everyday lives, the program enables them to develop a true appreciation of their heritage and understand the need for continued, lifelong Jewish study.

Jewish Life and Learning

LGA’s Judaics curriculum is presented in an egalitarian framework and includes the study of Hebrew, Jewish history and culture, Israel, text study, an array of religious observances, and various spiritual practices.

The school steps to the rhythm of the Jewish calendar. It excites a sense of the sanctity and joy of Shabbat, and inspires an understanding of the role of Jewish holidays in our tradition, as well as appreciation for the reflection, celebration, family, and community connection that they provide.

Hanukkah is celebrated with a school-wide assembly with performances by each grade. Watch our 2022 Hanukkah show here. The fully original 6th grade shpiel (comedy in English) is the highlight of Purim. Every year we eat in the Sukkah, hold a model seder, celebrate the trees at Tu B’Shvat, hold a bonfire on L’Ag b’Omer and more. And of course, every Friday when we celebrate Kabbalat Shabbat is a highlight of the week.

In addition to classroom-based learning about Shabbat and Parashat HaShavua (the weekly Torah reading) and each Friday’s Kabbalat Shabbat celebration, the school sponsors an annual family Shabbaton retreat in the spring

Tikkun Olam is the cornerstone of LGA’s educational philosophy. Each year, all grades select a Tikkun Olam topic of study and undertake related projects to better the world. Past projects include students gathering supplies for and setting up apartments for recent refugees to the area through Jewish Family Service, selling hand-made cards to raise money for the homeless, and cooking and donating food for the Amherst Survival Center’s Thanksgiving day meal.

LGA’s Judaics program includes the history, culture and traditions of the State of Israel, including learning about and celebrating holidays like Yom Hazikaron, Yom Ha’atzmaut, Yom HaShoah. 
